Thursday, November 27, 2008

Living in Poverty ; part 1

Ever felt like school is just one of the worst places to be at or go to ?
Sometimes when we are pressurised with tons of homework to finish, we just wished that there was never such a thing or place called school.
We take all these things for granted, the bountiful food we get, the clean water we drink, education, proper homes, etc. And sometimes we even complain about it. But do we actually looks deeper into this matter and think about how lucky we are ?

There lived the matahari family on a hillside in central batam. They had a roof over their head, but it isn't the type of house you'd expect yourself to live in. The walls were made of steel plates that were buried about half a metre into the ground, covered by the dry and hardened sandy ground. Their roof was made of branches that are tied together with the help of rope and then sheltered with different types of leaves.

Normally, houses would be built with a metal roof but the family was poor and they had fourteen children, three of which have passed away due to food poisoning and vehicular accidents. Eight, the breadwinners, lived on the other islands of indonesia. The remaining three were adopted young teenagers and children whom didn't have proper education. Every month the eight would send back 200000rupia each, totaling about S$120 a month. With the $120, life was hard, they needed more money to feed every mouth. Now, one person in the family would miss two meals. To kill the hunger, they'll just sleep it off.

On a monday morning, Hari and Indah both got ready for school. Rafi the youngest of the lot stayed at home and helped them to prepare breakfast. They have to wake up earlier than the other children due to the distance they have to journey to. Four miles altogether, both back and forth. Walking together helped both brother and sister know more about each other and from there find out about the lastest talk.

Pulling up their worn out socks and wearing their brownish stained shoes, the set out into the dimly litted road. That particular morning, it was chilly. Hari lended Indah his favourite leather jacket his siblings got him for his thirteenth birthday. Looking up into the morning sky, you'd still be able to look at the moon. Both sibling get their encouragement to study hard and do their job by looking at the moon. It rises at night and guides whoever's on their way home and help light up the nightsky.

Upon reaching school, Indah passed the jacket back to Hari and they both went for their own classes. It was math class, Hari's favourite subject. Hari had always dreamed of being a businessman when he grows up but his hopes had been smashed as his father wanted him to work at the local shoe factory. His father had always pressurized him, pushing him to do his best in school. When he doesn't get his passess, Hari's father would bring out the bamboo cane his own father caned him with. If you were to take off Hari's shirt, you would be able to see the scars on his back and his bottom. He reminded himself that everytime he got hit, it was out of love and so he tried not to bear any grudges.

Indah on the other hand didn't really give two flying fucks about education. She was the playful, mischievious girl that was well-knowned with the boys in her class. She'd stole several times from the convenience store across the road and got away with it five times. Nonetheless, Indah was more streetsmart than her brother. After stealing chewing gum and sweets, she'd sell them to younger children and earning some extra pocket money. Even though she doesnt earn much from it, she managed to scrimp and save til her present-day amount, S$50.

After school ended, they would go to the newspaper factory and from there walk to the cross-junction to sell them. This was their way of making money for recess money for the next day. Breathing the car and motorcycle fumes everyday, they would sometimes choke while breathing and at night suffer severe coughs from the exhausts. But this was all worth it, sometimes when tourists visit the island, they would get about S$20 being pitied by them.

As they hurried home, the sun was setting. Dusk will soon be arriving. Rushing back, night draws nearer by every passing second. They were half a mile away from home, picturing the food and dinner their parents prepared with the help of Rafi. Their mouths watered with saliva which made them dash home.

Running as fast as they could, they heard a distance hum as if a vehicle was approaching with great speed. It was dark, both Hari and Indah could not tell where the vehicle was coming from.
Out of the blue, a taxi emerged from the darkness. Seeing both children on the roadside, the taxi swirved to a corner, the rear of the taxi had hit Hari in the leg and had pushing his knee backwards causing him to fall.

He was in great pain, his knee had been twisted backwards, Indah heard the cracking of the joint bones and had rushed to his side. The thin layer of skin behind the knee had torn and blood was lost quick. Indah checked to see if the driver had passed out. Fortunately he suffered minor cuts on his forehead and broken pieces of glass lodged into his palms and arms. The taxi driver and Indah carried Hari to the cab.

Moaning in immense pain, the cabbie sped to the hospital. Indah held onto Hari's hand and he said to her. "Jangan biarkan saya samping. (Don't leave me.)"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love, we either fall in or out of it.
but have you ever met anyone who never knew love ?

Since young, Joseph was overly-pampered.
He'd get which ever toys he wanted whenever a toy advertisement captures his eyes.
His mom, a single parent, showered him with so much love.
Every night, she would read him bedtime stories til he was sound asleep.

Being the only child, its no doubt he was loved alot.

Growing up from childhood to pre-teen, he changed.
Puberty and Maturity came and altered his ego, attitudes and behaviour.

He was different. He wasn't the Joseph his parents knew.
Everytime he'd come home from school, he would order his mom around.
Bossing her as if she was his slave, his mom would never say no to his commands. Afterall, he was her son, and the only son she had.
She loved him so. Joseph never knew.

He took everything for granted, even his meals.
When there is even the slightest bit of vegetables in his soup, he'd shout at his mom and curse at her. Using the explicits and vulgarities he picked up from his group of friends, he shot his mout off whenever he felt like it. At times, when his mom couldn't take it, she'd walk up to her room and cry alone for a couple of hours, then returning to her son and apologising even thought none of it was her fault.

Joseph love'd it when people around him were angry or sad, he liked seeing the exasperated or depressed faces of others. Sometimes, just for the fun of it, he'd punched his mother in the nose and laughs as she bleeds. His mother would never scold or yell at him but instead let him continue with his mischief. Being barbaric most of the time, he was never a happy person. Never felt happy, never felt love. And until this day, he has never uttered those three powerful words to her, "I love you."

In the month of autumn, Joseph's mom went for a medical checkup.
To her horror, she discovered a tumor around her heart and brain. At that point of time, the only thing that bothered her was how Joseph would cope on his own. With no other form of kin, he would be left all alone. After all that he's done to her, she still cared and loved Joseph.

As she returned home, his Joseph had placed a container full of paint on top of the door's edge. As she walked up to the porch of the door, she wondered how she would bring about the tradgic news which she's just found out to her son. Ignoring that thought, she walked in. Twisting the door knob and pushing the door open, the container toppled over bottoms first and the weight of the paint increased the force of it knocking her out unconsciously. Paint spilt all over the floor and stained her dress. The impact had caused a swelling right above the tumor and had made it active.

All Joseph did was laugh at his mother's misfortune, after realising that she hasn't moved for several seconds, he rushed to the phone and dialled for the paramedics. This time, he had gone too far. He was afraid. Nervous, he typed the numbers clumsily and had dialled incorrectly a couple of times. Calming himself down, he thought of an excuse to give if he was questions. This was the excuse.

"I returned home from the playground and to my horror, i saw my own mother try to drown herself in paint. I stopped her but it was too late, she had passed out."

To make it more real, he poured the remains of paint onto her face and mouth. He dialled emergency and minutes later, they had arrived. The paramedics brought Joseph's mother into the ambulance, with Joseph sitting beside his mother. They had questioned him and that's when he used his excuse.

Hours later, they managed to get paint out of her lungs but some of it had dried and was stuck onto the walls of her esophagus. Breathing was diffucult. With only sips of air, she was breathless even by saying a few words.

Joseph had felt a tiny bit of remorse, he clasped his mother's hand and sat there beside his mom. Touched, his mother chocked up, tears couldn't stop flowing as she felt so happy to be with her son and this time, he didn't provoke her with his nonsense.

Joseph for the first time saw his mother weep. He had never experienced this feeling of guilt before. Usually when we walks past his mother's room, he would hear cries but normally he wouldn't care too much and sometimes ask her to shut up. His conscience started bugging him.

As more tears came flowing down, her heartbeat had increased. The tumor was starting to attack all her vital organs and arteries. Both her brain and heart was affected too. Joseph was more afraid than ever. He rushed to the doctors nearby and they performed a coronary artery bypass. This had aggravated the condition. With blood pumped faster around her ciculatory system, so did the tumourous cells.

This had caused the cells to reach all parts of her body quicker. Now, with about 95% of her body occupied by them, it was just a matter of seconds before she was about to leave this world.
Joseph watched as doctors tried every form of help they could give to save her. He watched helplessly as her heartrate was decreasing, he wanted to say something before she was about to leave.

Thinking hard, he remembered.
He rushed to the bedside and declared those three words,
"I lo... ... "


He was too late, her heart rate had stopped.
His one chance of claiming his love for his mother and he blew it.
Silence and agony filled the room, the doctors have lost a patient and Joseph had lost not just his mom but his only kin and a loved one.
Just when he wanted to tell his mom how much he loved her, he was a second too late.
His mother has moved on from this world.
All gone, he was the only one left.
With no one to fend for him, he was isolated from love til he parted with life and had gone to meet death.

If you have a loved one that you want to proclaim your love to, do it now or soon! Once he or she leaves this world, you may never get another chance to say it anymore ...

take care readers !

Monday, November 17, 2008

Plain O' Facts

1. If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.

2. If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.

3. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

4. Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.

5. The Mercedes-Benz motto is “Das Beste oder Nichts” meaning “the best or nothing”.

6. The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.

7. The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something pleasing.

8. The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.

9. Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.

10. The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear.

11. Dalmatians are born without spots.

12. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

13. The ‘v’ in the name of a court case does not stand for ‘versus’, but for ‘and’ (in civil proceedings) or ‘against’ (in criminal proceedings).

14. Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right, but women’s shirts have the buttons on the left.

15. The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids.

16. The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it’s already been digested by a bee.

17. Roosters cannot crow if they cannot extend their necks.

18. The color blue has a calming effect. It causes the brain to release calming hormones.

19. Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

20. Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart.

21. The verb “cleave” is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other: adhere and separate.

22. When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.

23. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.

24. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle was built in 1903, and used a tomato can for a carburetor.

25. The lion that roars in the MGM logo is named Volney.

26. Google is actually the common name for a number with a million zeros.

27. Switching letters is called spoonerism. For example, saying jag of Flapan, instead of flag of Japan.

28. It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.

29. The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples.

30. There are 1,792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

31. The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting.

32. Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.

33. It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.

34. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

35. Most soccer players run 7 miles in a game.

36. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.

37. Every day 200 million couples make love, 400,000 babies are born, and 140,000 people die.

38. In most watch advertisements the time displayed on the watch is 10:10 because then the arms frame the brand of the watch (and make it look like itis smiling).

39. Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command “go hang yourself.”

40. The only 2 animals that can see behind itself without turning its head are the rabbit and the parrot.

41. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

42. The average person laughs 13 times a day.

43. Do you know the names of the three wise monkeys? They are:Mizaru(See no evil), Mikazaru(Hear no evil), and Mazaru(Speak no evil)

44. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

45. German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.

46. Large kangaroos cover more than 30 feet with each jump.

47. Whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.

48. Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn. Suddenly the pigs, all two thousand of them, escaped through a broken fence and stampeded, trampling the two hapless protesters to death.

49. If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural cause.

50. The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood 30 feet!

Dark Secret

Darkness all around me,
I feel you, suffocate,
No one else is around my misery,
Can I give anyone the key to the gate?

No one realizes the pain,
The weakness that I feel,
The darkness swallows with vain,
My nightmares feel so real.

The shadows that hide,
The tears I hold back,
The old me, has died,
Everything is black.

I run, but I still see it,
It is hard to face,
It pulls me in, bit by bit,
It takes me back, back to that place!

From the memories, I try to run,
They are destroying me slowly, not fast,
I’m growing weaker; I know they’ve won,
It haunts me, my past.

The sadness, it has brought,
I feel the guilt,
I can feel the inside rot,
The darkness inside me, it built.

I feel so insane,
These words are my last,
Darkness has won, my tears fall like rain,
I can’t run anymore, it has won, my past.

My past has won
,I’m sure this is true,
The damage is done,
My heart, darkness controls it too.

I’m leaving now,
You may not want to see,
You might not want to know how,
Today is the death of me.

Thanks for being here,
Goodbye, it’s time, I’m untied,
I have no fear,
It’s time that I died.
I'm sure all you folks out there, young or old must have watched advertisements claiming that the television is still the most popular choice of entertainment.

Who would'nt agree?

Once you've just got married, you buy your own house and usually the first thing you get is either a bed or a television or some other furniture.

Well, it can also do serious harm to you, physically and mentally...

Erny and Selma Berkley had just tied the knot a couple of days ago. Things had been going great, the wedding was a success, all the gifts were brilliant. It was all turning out fine just the way they expected ad hoped for.

They'd had their fun on their nupital night, the sex was great. But they had used rubber sheets just in case. Erny and Selma both did not want children at an early age. Both husband and wife felt that they should at least have a roof over their heads with the mortgage fully paid and a car to drive around with.

With about one sixth of the mortgage left to be paid off, they will soon be able to get their long awaited SUV, the Chevrolet Traverse 200.

Working mostly morning to afternoon shifts, Erny would only be able to see his beloved at night. By that time, Selma would be having her shift working at the local bar serving an assortment of cocktails she had concocted while she and Erny were dating. Yes, they both loved their alcohol. On their first date, Erny and Selma had brought along their own bottle of wine as a gift and that's when they both found out each other's flavour for alcohol.

By their 6th-7th date, Erny invited Selma over to his house and with a whole array of alcohol to choose from, Selma searched around for the ingredients of her most favourited and cherished cocktail, "Strawberry Daiquiri".

Selma took out a piece of paper from her handbag and unscrambled the folded recipe.

"Strawberry Daiquiri

2 oz light rum

1 oz lime juice

1/2 oz triple sec

1/2 tsp superfine sugar

1 cup ice

5 strawberries

Garnish: strawberry

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and garnish with strawberry."

As she mixed the ingredients, Erny watched astonishingly as she messed around with the bottles and cups. Amazed at her skill, he knew very well this was the woman he wanted to marry. Passionate about her job, out-going and just a darling to be with. Futhermore, he would be able to indulge in all the concoctions she had created, plus points there.

About a month and a half of working, all of it finally paid off. The mortgage was fully paid, their were just dollars from their Chevy and their parents had sent them some money to get a few more furnitures. Erny and Selma were undecided on what to buy. When they both work on different shifts, they seldom see each other except for maybe a few minutes of goodbye time and that's it. And often, they'd get lonely.

After both had decided on buying a television, they headed down the street to the local electronics store where the tele's were cheap and durable. Once they've got it, they'had it plugged into the electric socket and turned it on.

They surfed about 20 channels before ending up with their final choice, a romantic movie. Half-way throught, they looked at each other and gazed into the other's eyes. When they got into the mood, they then made out under their blankets and dozed off right after they finished and turned off the tele.

The next day, Selma woke up to breakfast already prepared by Erny right before he left for work. She smiled and happily ate it.

She finished her cup of milk and did the dishes. When she was done, she just lazed at the couch. With nothing to do, she turned on the television. She played around with the controls to get the hang of it. Pressing the buttons, she discovered each use of them. She'd noticed the button AV and had pressed it. The screen of the television turned blank, nothing was showing.

A VCR installed in the back of the television played a video-tape that was supposed to be removed due to it causing several unexplainable deaths that had occurred the past 3-4 years around the area. But somehow, none of the repairmen noticed it.

As the tape was lodged in, the VCR started rolling whatever that was in it.

Scenes of gorish & explicit graphical content started playing.

As they displayed more similar representations of gore, Selma had freaked out a bit.

On the inside, she was telling herself to turn away, but on the outside she moved closer to the screen. Inching her way, her pupils dilated when they were supposed to be constricted.

The video-tape that caught her attention is somehow controlling her emotions. With everypassing second, the video starts to change her mood. Suddenly a burst of depression caught hold of her. She suddenly flashes back into her childhood, back to the time where she watched her father murdered infront of her own eyes.

She stared deep into the eyes of the murderer. Holding on to a knife and stabbing him in the chest and wrists.

Suddenly, Selma awoke from her hypnosis. She got into a small shock and looked around.

Dazed, she wondered how she landed on the floor.

Her wrists! Blood was being lost quick.

Hundred of milimetres of blood were spouting out her wrists.

What was happening, all she remembered was watching the tape and suddenly waking up to her horror of her bleeding wrists. Selma tried to reach for the phone but it was about a metre away.

Blood was being lost fast.

She wiggled to the phone.

She had to get to it quick.

Time was racing.

What seemed like hours were just seconds.

Just a few centimetres more.

The pain was displeasing.

It felt as though her Arteries and Veins were snapping and being pulled out of her arm.

A little bit more.

She could'nt take it.

Selma was almost turning into a vegetable with blood gushing from the brain out into her left wrist.

Her surroundings were starting to get brighter.

"help me ... "

Soon, her vision was blurred and she moved on from this world.

She could'nt make it. She did'nt make it.

Erny returned home with paperbags full of the different choices of alcohol that was meant for a surprise for Selma. Pushing the door open, the house was strangely infected with evil. He could sense it but did'nt bother too much about it. After putting down the groceries, he walked over to the living room .

To his horror, his one and only love was lying dead on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding her. The blow was too great for Erny, he'd never see anything more sickening and disgusting than that. His heartbeat was getting faster, he was nervous, too nervous.

He'd lost it, his other side of him had taken full control of him. He started going crazy, he shouted words and sentences that did'nt make any sense. Then, he started vomitting. spilling it on his clothes and on the floor. The room was in the worst state of mess. A bloody corpse on the floor with vomit patches.

Just then Erny looked around to find out what had killed his wife. He still had some sense in that horrified nutshell. He watched as the television showed the same gorish and explicit graphical content which killed his wife. Staring into it, his pupils too dilated and pretty soon popped out of his eye sockets. He still could see, just that he'd lost control of his mind and his sight.

The pain was excruciating. He couldnt take it anymore. He found a knife which Selma killed herself with and ended his agony with a few stabs to the mouth and stomach.

What remained was just the body of two bloody corpses, one with slit wrists and the other with his eyeballs gorged out from his eye sockets. Vomit patches surrounded them. A knife was stuck in his mouth and the video was continuously playing.
Nobody would have known about the double deaths until neighbours complained about the malodorous stench.

Now, would you still watch the television?

Monday, November 10, 2008

In a old, mining town from Britain resided Timothy, an orphan.

Timothy was a man of music.

Every time he plugs his apple earphones into his ipod and then his ears, a sudden burst of euphoria flushes into his mind.

But sadly, bad grades had choked his dreams. He never scored any of the ABC's. Instead, DEF's were a more common sight.

Since grade school, his studies were okay. They were'nt bad, neither were they good.

Once he graduated into high school, puberty and maturity set in. He started listening to music.
But not just any kind. It was Rock.

All the rock he's been listening turned him into a rockstar himself. Well, actually a rockstar-wannabe.

Since that first earful session, he got hooked on it. Grades were falling, his attitude changed, he started smoking. Things were'nt going well for his family.

They just gone through a hard financial crisis that hit them out of the blue.

Timothy started taking drugs. Marijuana, weed and all the other stuff you'd be able to get from friends with "connections".

That was the main thing that had ruined his life.

On his way home just before summer, he reeked of weed.

He finished half a packet and was already midway to the moon. The high was too much to control, he had Marilyn Manson on. "I dont like the drugs but the drugs like me."

As he made his way across the street, instead of going straight home he went to the quarry just about a quarter mile away. The place was deep, with just below a dozen metres below, anyone who swam there when it's filled with water might've drowned.

Grasping onto the railing, he steadied himself. Envisioning water surrounding him, he took a leap. As he plunged, he opened his arms and legs as if diving in an olympics pool.

Plummeting downwards, he sensed something was amiss but it was too late. Splitseconds before he realised he was about to crash into the rocky grounds, he awoke from his euphoria and before he knew it, it was all too late.

Timothy's fall sent himself intact but with broken bones, organs and whatknots that were inside of him. Police and paramedics arrived shortly after passer-bys spotted him just before he took his leap.

The crew didnt really bother bout timothy. Instead of burying his body in a proper burial ground, they left him in there. With the bloodstains and clothes the way it was in the first place.

As the monsoon season arrived, it flooded the quarry. Rocks and large boulders piled up among each other over the late Timothy. Together with water filling up the gaps, there was no way anyone could excavate the body. His dead body was trapped, perhaps forever.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

There existed this doll by the name of Delta White. It had been specially given to by a doll collector, Bob. Bob was intrigued by dolls and loved the feeling of owning one ever since he was a little boy. During his childhood, his dad, a drunk and his mom, a gambling slut did not show much love and appreciation to Bob. Thats where he picked up talking to and collecting dolls. His aunt would make occasional visits to Bob's place, always bringing new toys for him to play with. One fine day, she brought a toy that changed Bob's life forever. A doll stitched by the local toy manufacture.

Bob subsequently never put that doll down, always holding on to the poorly stitched and rough hand of the doll. He'd bring it to sleep with him. He'd bring it to the shower with him, and then drying it under the sun and sometimes using his mom's hairdryer. The last time he saw the doll was on the first day of high school where he still kept the doll, he was made fun of and was called "Gay Bob with the Dolly-Wolly". The school bullies pushed Bob to one side and snatched the doll from his wrapped up arms. They tossed it onto the ground and stepped on the doll until the cloth all tore up and the cotton filling made its own mess on the floor. Bystanders and schoolmates stood around to watch what had happened.

None of them helped him but just stood there laughing their heads off. Bob looked around and felt a tremendous amount of shame, nobody had laughed at him for playing with dolls before. Especially a crowd this big. Bob's eyes swelled with tears and he rushed home. Later that night, his dad returned home from a drunken stupor. He walked over to the couch and bitchslapped his wife. Both argued and fought with each other using whatever they could find to injure the opposite party. After things had settled down with the help of marital sex, they discussed their son's problem.

After talking things over, they had abandoned Bob just a quarter mile of their house and was severely abused due to his father thinking he had created a gay son with his penis. Bob wandered the whole night, later ending up at his aunts place. He looked around and was astonished by his aunts collection of dolls. Bob grew greedy for her collection, he found a shovel in the garage and smashed his aunts skull with it. He used a saw which he found, and sawed off the body limb to limb. Finally burying the corpse 2feet below. Bob could have dug deeper but how deep can a 13 year old dig ?

After murdering his aunt, Bob grew mentally ill and would masturbate at his collection of dolls. He given a special name to every doll, all the dolls had names from A-Z. And his personal favourite was Delta White. A pornstar doll whom he had ejaculated on several times. If you held on to the doll you'd be able to observe the stains that was left. When Bob turned 46, he was on the verge of going berserk after he lost Delta White. It was his birthday and he couldnt find her.

Searching the house for hours, he decided to take a break. He'd found the saw he murdered his aunt with. He picked it up and sawed of his toes, there was pain but he just couldnt feel it. Toe by toe, he sawed them off. After one was done, they instantly fell to the ground while some dangled among the veins connected to his foot. He then sawed his right-arm ( He was left-handed), followed by his legs. He was minutes from passing out due to extreme blood loss but that didnt stop him. He took a nail and injected it int his chest. He formed a heart shape and used his left hand to masturbate. Once he ejaculated, he immediately passed out and left the world.

When the police found the corpse, it was made out to be more disgusting with the addition of its rotting stench. They had also found the dead body of his aunt that was reduced to skeletons in his backyard. The body on the couch had nails forming a heart shape. Limbs were also sawed apart, some of which dropped on the floor and had surrounded itself in thick coagulated blood, and a doll which contained semen stains under the cushion he was sitting on.

On the back of the doll labelled the name "Delta White."
He had the best of parents, friends and whoever that was close to him.
He had fallen in and out of love several times.

The first one was just for the sake of fun.
He was happy, so was she.

A couple of months later they broke up and both went their seperate ways.
That was when Jack thought he had the power to control his relationships.

Finally, when he moved on to his second and third, things were starting to change for Jack.
He was never the one to dump, but instead got dumped.

Jack was furious at himself.
Which man is able to tolerate the bullshit he's been through.

He wanted to do something to show how superior he could be.

Jack learned from a newsreport of this person from sweden who had commited a school massacre and then rushed home to his suicidal contraption which then led to his death.

Jack thought that people would respect him.

Later that month, he devised a plan on how he'd kill everyone of the girls he had crushed on and their present boyfriends.

He brought a knife from his kitchen and a magnum which he bought specially for that occasion at a local gunshop and hidden it under his black hoodie that reads "Genocide".

Inside the magnum contains 9 lives rounds of ammunition and an extra clip just in case his victims wouldnt die after their first shot.

15 minutes into his geography class, he'd persuaded the teacher to let him go to the toilet.
The plan was working perfectly, he walked swiftly through the corridors.

As time passed, he pictured where he would shoot or stab the victims.
The three main points, head, chest and in the thighs to prevent them from escaping elsewhere.

The first place, the principal's office. He knocked onto the door and granted the permission to enter. There he stood grinning with his eyes piercing the air.

He reached under his hoodie for the gun and shot the man dead in the middle of his eyes.

There he lay on his chair with blood spurting out profusely.

The next stop, Liana Harolds &boyfriends class, Arithmatic class.

He kicked the door wide open with his foot and stabbed Liana several times in the chest and then finishing her boyfriend with a shot in the chest. The blow sent him falling off.

He ran out and rushed to Jacqueline Douglas &boyfriends class, Geometry class.
Shooting her in the chest a couple of times and leaving her boyfriend with stab in his skull.

The next few ones were similar to the previous two and out of the 8 girls and 5 guys, none survive the horrible ordeal Jack put them through.

He returned home to a room filled with the stench of kerosine and a box of matches. In the middle of the room lay a chair with rope hung and nailed into the ceiling.

Jack lighted the match while on the chair and hung himself, the match dropped and it engulfed the room in flames.

In that room hung a burned and crisp Jack still with the feeling of hatred and agony he's been feeling after his second.
Okay, first thing's first !

This was made so that whenever i feel a sense of hopelessness i'd change it into a story everyone would or should be able to enjoy. This also has no link to my other blog and its plainly and purely for this sudden change of my attitude towards life.

Thank you and enjoy the stories. (: