Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm sure all you folks out there, young or old must have watched advertisements claiming that the television is still the most popular choice of entertainment.

Who would'nt agree?

Once you've just got married, you buy your own house and usually the first thing you get is either a bed or a television or some other furniture.

Well, it can also do serious harm to you, physically and mentally...

Erny and Selma Berkley had just tied the knot a couple of days ago. Things had been going great, the wedding was a success, all the gifts were brilliant. It was all turning out fine just the way they expected ad hoped for.

They'd had their fun on their nupital night, the sex was great. But they had used rubber sheets just in case. Erny and Selma both did not want children at an early age. Both husband and wife felt that they should at least have a roof over their heads with the mortgage fully paid and a car to drive around with.

With about one sixth of the mortgage left to be paid off, they will soon be able to get their long awaited SUV, the Chevrolet Traverse 200.

Working mostly morning to afternoon shifts, Erny would only be able to see his beloved at night. By that time, Selma would be having her shift working at the local bar serving an assortment of cocktails she had concocted while she and Erny were dating. Yes, they both loved their alcohol. On their first date, Erny and Selma had brought along their own bottle of wine as a gift and that's when they both found out each other's flavour for alcohol.

By their 6th-7th date, Erny invited Selma over to his house and with a whole array of alcohol to choose from, Selma searched around for the ingredients of her most favourited and cherished cocktail, "Strawberry Daiquiri".

Selma took out a piece of paper from her handbag and unscrambled the folded recipe.

"Strawberry Daiquiri

2 oz light rum

1 oz lime juice

1/2 oz triple sec

1/2 tsp superfine sugar

1 cup ice

5 strawberries

Garnish: strawberry

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and garnish with strawberry."

As she mixed the ingredients, Erny watched astonishingly as she messed around with the bottles and cups. Amazed at her skill, he knew very well this was the woman he wanted to marry. Passionate about her job, out-going and just a darling to be with. Futhermore, he would be able to indulge in all the concoctions she had created, plus points there.

About a month and a half of working, all of it finally paid off. The mortgage was fully paid, their were just dollars from their Chevy and their parents had sent them some money to get a few more furnitures. Erny and Selma were undecided on what to buy. When they both work on different shifts, they seldom see each other except for maybe a few minutes of goodbye time and that's it. And often, they'd get lonely.

After both had decided on buying a television, they headed down the street to the local electronics store where the tele's were cheap and durable. Once they've got it, they'had it plugged into the electric socket and turned it on.

They surfed about 20 channels before ending up with their final choice, a romantic movie. Half-way throught, they looked at each other and gazed into the other's eyes. When they got into the mood, they then made out under their blankets and dozed off right after they finished and turned off the tele.

The next day, Selma woke up to breakfast already prepared by Erny right before he left for work. She smiled and happily ate it.

She finished her cup of milk and did the dishes. When she was done, she just lazed at the couch. With nothing to do, she turned on the television. She played around with the controls to get the hang of it. Pressing the buttons, she discovered each use of them. She'd noticed the button AV and had pressed it. The screen of the television turned blank, nothing was showing.

A VCR installed in the back of the television played a video-tape that was supposed to be removed due to it causing several unexplainable deaths that had occurred the past 3-4 years around the area. But somehow, none of the repairmen noticed it.

As the tape was lodged in, the VCR started rolling whatever that was in it.

Scenes of gorish & explicit graphical content started playing.

As they displayed more similar representations of gore, Selma had freaked out a bit.

On the inside, she was telling herself to turn away, but on the outside she moved closer to the screen. Inching her way, her pupils dilated when they were supposed to be constricted.

The video-tape that caught her attention is somehow controlling her emotions. With everypassing second, the video starts to change her mood. Suddenly a burst of depression caught hold of her. She suddenly flashes back into her childhood, back to the time where she watched her father murdered infront of her own eyes.

She stared deep into the eyes of the murderer. Holding on to a knife and stabbing him in the chest and wrists.

Suddenly, Selma awoke from her hypnosis. She got into a small shock and looked around.

Dazed, she wondered how she landed on the floor.

Her wrists! Blood was being lost quick.

Hundred of milimetres of blood were spouting out her wrists.

What was happening, all she remembered was watching the tape and suddenly waking up to her horror of her bleeding wrists. Selma tried to reach for the phone but it was about a metre away.

Blood was being lost fast.

She wiggled to the phone.

She had to get to it quick.

Time was racing.

What seemed like hours were just seconds.

Just a few centimetres more.

The pain was displeasing.

It felt as though her Arteries and Veins were snapping and being pulled out of her arm.

A little bit more.

She could'nt take it.

Selma was almost turning into a vegetable with blood gushing from the brain out into her left wrist.

Her surroundings were starting to get brighter.

"help me ... "

Soon, her vision was blurred and she moved on from this world.

She could'nt make it. She did'nt make it.

Erny returned home with paperbags full of the different choices of alcohol that was meant for a surprise for Selma. Pushing the door open, the house was strangely infected with evil. He could sense it but did'nt bother too much about it. After putting down the groceries, he walked over to the living room .

To his horror, his one and only love was lying dead on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding her. The blow was too great for Erny, he'd never see anything more sickening and disgusting than that. His heartbeat was getting faster, he was nervous, too nervous.

He'd lost it, his other side of him had taken full control of him. He started going crazy, he shouted words and sentences that did'nt make any sense. Then, he started vomitting. spilling it on his clothes and on the floor. The room was in the worst state of mess. A bloody corpse on the floor with vomit patches.

Just then Erny looked around to find out what had killed his wife. He still had some sense in that horrified nutshell. He watched as the television showed the same gorish and explicit graphical content which killed his wife. Staring into it, his pupils too dilated and pretty soon popped out of his eye sockets. He still could see, just that he'd lost control of his mind and his sight.

The pain was excruciating. He couldnt take it anymore. He found a knife which Selma killed herself with and ended his agony with a few stabs to the mouth and stomach.

What remained was just the body of two bloody corpses, one with slit wrists and the other with his eyeballs gorged out from his eye sockets. Vomit patches surrounded them. A knife was stuck in his mouth and the video was continuously playing.
Nobody would have known about the double deaths until neighbours complained about the malodorous stench.

Now, would you still watch the television?

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