Sunday, November 9, 2008

There existed this doll by the name of Delta White. It had been specially given to by a doll collector, Bob. Bob was intrigued by dolls and loved the feeling of owning one ever since he was a little boy. During his childhood, his dad, a drunk and his mom, a gambling slut did not show much love and appreciation to Bob. Thats where he picked up talking to and collecting dolls. His aunt would make occasional visits to Bob's place, always bringing new toys for him to play with. One fine day, she brought a toy that changed Bob's life forever. A doll stitched by the local toy manufacture.

Bob subsequently never put that doll down, always holding on to the poorly stitched and rough hand of the doll. He'd bring it to sleep with him. He'd bring it to the shower with him, and then drying it under the sun and sometimes using his mom's hairdryer. The last time he saw the doll was on the first day of high school where he still kept the doll, he was made fun of and was called "Gay Bob with the Dolly-Wolly". The school bullies pushed Bob to one side and snatched the doll from his wrapped up arms. They tossed it onto the ground and stepped on the doll until the cloth all tore up and the cotton filling made its own mess on the floor. Bystanders and schoolmates stood around to watch what had happened.

None of them helped him but just stood there laughing their heads off. Bob looked around and felt a tremendous amount of shame, nobody had laughed at him for playing with dolls before. Especially a crowd this big. Bob's eyes swelled with tears and he rushed home. Later that night, his dad returned home from a drunken stupor. He walked over to the couch and bitchslapped his wife. Both argued and fought with each other using whatever they could find to injure the opposite party. After things had settled down with the help of marital sex, they discussed their son's problem.

After talking things over, they had abandoned Bob just a quarter mile of their house and was severely abused due to his father thinking he had created a gay son with his penis. Bob wandered the whole night, later ending up at his aunts place. He looked around and was astonished by his aunts collection of dolls. Bob grew greedy for her collection, he found a shovel in the garage and smashed his aunts skull with it. He used a saw which he found, and sawed off the body limb to limb. Finally burying the corpse 2feet below. Bob could have dug deeper but how deep can a 13 year old dig ?

After murdering his aunt, Bob grew mentally ill and would masturbate at his collection of dolls. He given a special name to every doll, all the dolls had names from A-Z. And his personal favourite was Delta White. A pornstar doll whom he had ejaculated on several times. If you held on to the doll you'd be able to observe the stains that was left. When Bob turned 46, he was on the verge of going berserk after he lost Delta White. It was his birthday and he couldnt find her.

Searching the house for hours, he decided to take a break. He'd found the saw he murdered his aunt with. He picked it up and sawed of his toes, there was pain but he just couldnt feel it. Toe by toe, he sawed them off. After one was done, they instantly fell to the ground while some dangled among the veins connected to his foot. He then sawed his right-arm ( He was left-handed), followed by his legs. He was minutes from passing out due to extreme blood loss but that didnt stop him. He took a nail and injected it int his chest. He formed a heart shape and used his left hand to masturbate. Once he ejaculated, he immediately passed out and left the world.

When the police found the corpse, it was made out to be more disgusting with the addition of its rotting stench. They had also found the dead body of his aunt that was reduced to skeletons in his backyard. The body on the couch had nails forming a heart shape. Limbs were also sawed apart, some of which dropped on the floor and had surrounded itself in thick coagulated blood, and a doll which contained semen stains under the cushion he was sitting on.

On the back of the doll labelled the name "Delta White."

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